Do you see the pattern of how the integers being written onto channel a lead to those being written onto channel b, and thereby onto channel out? 您有没有看这样的模式:写入通道a的整数造成它们也被写入通道b,因此也写到通道out?
One-to two-millimeter-square patches, containing 10,000 B cells engineered for an individual agent, line the surface of the channel. 通路表面排列着一至二平方毫米的小块块,包含一万个对应某种制剂的B细胞。
The D channel is used to carry control information for the B channel. 这D通道是用来运送控制资讯给B通道使用的。
It is obvious that the selectivity of B, B-DAN is related to the alkylating agents, the size of alkylate and the pore channel of zeolite will affect the selectivity of outcome. 可见,日,p一DAN的选择性与烷基化试剂之间存在一定的关系,烷基化基团的大小与沸石孔道尺寸都将影响产物的选择性。
The source and the regularity of deviation when Erlang B formula or the corresponding channel utilization ratio formula is used in a limited user system is dissected, and the condition available of the two groups of formulas are pointed out. 由此不仅揭示了爱尔兰B公式和相应信道利用率公式用于有限用户系统时会有较大偏差的根源,剖析了偏差的规律性,而且得到了适用于有限用户多信道共用系统的修正公式。
The drilling fluid first goes into the logging unit and passes constant flow degasser and AVMS in parallel, then the gas degassed from the mud goes into analyser A and B seperately to realize multi channel composition analysing. 将钻井液引入录井房,并行地通过恒流脱气器和自动真空蒸馏脱气器AVMS,脱出的样品气分别进入分析器A和B实行多道组合分析。
The simulation results show that antenna selection of transmitter can increase the channel capacity of MIMO system by 1 b/ s in a flat fading environment with a rank deficient channel. 仿真结果表明:在低散射环境中,适当地选择发射天线可以使系统的信道容量增加约1b/s;
( b) Rya needs caffeine to fully open CICR channel in SR. Rya完全开放钙通道需咖啡因的存在。
Objective: We studied the effect of Acanthopanax senticosides B ( Sb) on myocardial sarcolemmal ATP sensitive potassium channel ( sarcol K_ ( ATP)) and mitochondrial ATP sensitive potassium channel ( mito K_ ( ATP)). 目的:研究刺五加皂甙B(Sb)对兔心室肌细胞膜ATP敏感性钾通道(sarcolK(ATR))和心室肌线粒体ATP敏感性钾通道(mitoK(ATR))的作用。
The glucose-induced insulin release was dependent on the influx of extracellular calcium into B cell through the voltage-dependent calcium channel. 胰岛灌流时对高糖的反应则呈双相模式,葡萄糖引起的胰岛素分泌反应依赖胞外钙离子,经电压敏感钙通道流入胰岛β细胞。
In this paper an optimum E b/ N 0 estimation algorithm for rain fade channel is proposed. 本文提出一种雨衰信道EbN0的优化估计算法。
108 cases of hemiplegia following stroke were randomly divided into two groups, group A receiving "opposing needling" therapy, group B acupuncture therapy for Yang channel points in the affected, undergoing two kinds of therapies from the beginning of the disease, respectively. 108例脑卒中后偏瘫患者随机分为2组,从发病早期开始分别接受2种不同的治疗,A组接受中医巨刺法治疗;B组接受患侧阳经穴位的针刺治疗。
( b) Propose the multiple apertures system based on analysis of channel performance of atmospheric channel. h)在对大气无线信道进行分析的基础上提出了大气信道中的多孔径接收系统,并分析了其性能。(。)
Brightness channel, G, has higher sampling rate than chroma channels, R and B. According to this, we know that variable G saves more image detail. 亮度通道(G通道)采样率高于色度通道(R、B通道)。即G分量相对于R、B分量将保存更多的图像细节。
The relation between the transmission bands B of a channel and the value of n in Fourier progression was analyzed in detail. 详尽地分析了信道通频带B与Fourier阶数n(展开式保留项)的关系。
The study of the Application of B Channel Digital Multiplex Technology B信道数字复接技术应用研讨
It is found that the entanglement teleportation of the mixed channel is superior to the classical communication when the magnetic field B is feebleness and the temperature T is very low. 在一定的外界条件下,得到非零的纠缠度以及保真度大于2/3.最后发现,当磁场B较弱、温度T很低的时候,以海森堡热纠缠混合态作为量子信道的隐形传递要优越于经典信道。
Vortex cores on a plate with ( a) one fence and ( b) two fences positioned in the test section of a single-circuit water channel are located using hydrogen bubbles. 在水洞中用氢气泡法对平板上挡板前后的涡核位置进行了测量。
Three strains ( A, B and C) producing chitinase were screened in our research from the soil near the chitin factory channel. 本研究从福建省泉州市郊几丁质工厂的排污沟附近土壤中筛选出3株产几丁质酶菌株A、B和C。
Methods: Thirty-six Sprague-Dawley rats with 10 mm gap of sciatic nerve were averaged divided randomly into three groups ( A, B, C), which had been bridged with the new double channel nerve conduit of fusiform shape. 方法:36只大鼠随机分为A、B、C3组,每组12只,用自行研制的梭形双通道桥接管桥接坐骨神经10mm缺损。
Autonomic nerve mainly consist of B and C group of nerve fibre which lack of myelin sheath so its conduction slowly and easy to irradiation, it explained channel existed in both latent and distinct. 植物神经主要由B类和C类神经纤维组成,缺乏髓鞘,因而传导容易泛化,此可解释经络存在的潜在性和客观性。
With TV channel 2 as example, narrow performance of small size Yagi antenna front-to-back ratio F/ B and method used to expand the F/ B bandwidth has been analyzed. 以二频道为例,分析了小尺寸八木天线前后比F/B的窄带性及展宽频带的方法。
In order to realize T b/ s storage, Storage Area Network ( SAN) is proposed on the base of Fiber Channel technology. 为了实现海量存储,人们提出了光纤通道协议,并在此基础上提出了存储区域网SAN。
The B Corperation of Marketing Channel Developing Research B公司运营商渠道变革研究
Effect of acanthopanax senticosides B on sarcolemmal ATP sensitive potassium channel of ventricular myocytes 刺五加皂甙B对心室肌细胞膜ATP敏感性钾通道的作用
Methods: The point and angle of puncture were determined with crossing positioning by elastic ring, and B ultrasonic guiding under needle channel the hard external conduit was placed via percutaneous puncture to draw out bursa fluid, then inject ethanol was injected to cure renal cyst. 方法:用B超橡皮筋十字交叉定位穿刺点和角度,在针道超声引导下,经皮穿刺置入硬外导管抽吸囊液后,注入无水酒精治疗肾囊肿19例。
In redeye removal part, adjustment of three channels is made in RGB space of redeye pixels. In order to recover the actual color of pupil region, the value of R channel is decreased while the values of G channel and B channel are tuned as well. 红眼消除部分就是对红眼像素RGB空间的三个通道分别进行调整,在降低R通道值的同时也对G通道和B通道做适当调节,使瞳孔区域呈现实际的颜色。
Red-eye correction is mainly in RGB color space to adjust each pixel of the three respective channels in the red-eye region. By reducing the red channel R and appropriately adjusting the channel B and G, the repaired red-eye region looks more naturally and truly. 主要是在RGB色彩空间中对红眼区域像素的三个通道分别进行调整,降低红色通道R的同时,也对G通道和B通道作适当调节,使其看起来更加自然和真实。
Finally, the quantization schemes of multi-antenna channel estimation and space-time decoding in PB3 ( ITU Pedestrian B, Speed 3km/ h) channel model are given, and FPGA implementation is completed. 最后根据实际项目要求,给出了PB3(ITUPedestrianB,Speed3km/h)信道模式下的多天线信道估计和空时译码的量化方案,并完成了FPGA实现。
The design scheme of dual channel fault-tolerant EEC based on BIT was brought forward, which consists of two similar redundant control channels ( channel A and B) and a monitor channel ( channel C). 提出了基于BIT的双通道容错电子控制器设计方案,电子控制器包括两个采用相似余度设计的控制通道(A、B通道)和一个监控通道(C通道)。